The Mourne Ramber is a bus service operated by Translink which circles the Mourne Mountains in the summer months usually between the start of May and end of August. An all day ticket costs £5.50 for an adult and £2.75 for a child.
The bus drives a circular route starting at Newcastle Bus Station and stopping at the following places:
Bryansford, Post Office
Trassey Road, for Hare’s Gap
The Rock Shop
Trassey Road, Moyad Road Junction
Fofanny Dam
Ott Mountain, for Spelga Dam
Pigeon Rock
Slievenagore, for Lough Shannagh Path
Attical Village, Bus Shelter
Silent Valley, Entrance
Carrick Little
Rourke’s Park
Bloody Bridge, Maggies Leap
King Street, Glenada House
For further information call the Newcastle Visitor Information Centre 028 4372 2222 or click here to read the Mourne Rambler Leaflet.
Newcastle Tourist Information Centre telephone number is wrong on this site should be 028 4372 2222
also name has now changed to Newcastle Visitor Information Centre.
Timetable for Mourne Rambler is dated 2011 – should be 2014.